Mining for Treasure - fun in Grandma's basement

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I remember as a kid, going into my grandma and grandpa’s basement with my sisters and cousins. They had treasure troves of stuff down there. We made an activity out of going down the cement steps, selecting interesting things off the very organized shelves, and running up the stairs to ask Grandma if we could have the precious treasure we just found. Sometimes she said yes, and other times, “No, you need to put that back”, which we did. She had so many interesting things down there. Everything from old tools, to trinket boxes, perfume bottles and padlocks with keys. Antiques of every sort – Everything to intrigue us young and curious children.
And while all of this was just “stuff”, it was obvious that a lot of it must have been important stuff, meaningful stuff, valued stuff. Now, as an adult, I often wonder what the story was behind some of that stuff. I do wish I had asked more questions. Grandma and Grandpa’s house caught fire in 1978. I was 9 at the time. Lightning had struck a nearby telephone pole and electricity traveled through the wire into the telephone that was hanging on the kitchen wall, thus catching fire. A large portion of the house was destroyed. I remember our family searching carefully through the wet, charred remains for anything that was salvageable. Old photos, and photo albums, antiques and other items not completely destroyed were carefully put into boxes.
Many things were lost in the fire, which is why it is particularly significant that we have the special heirlooms that we do. I’m thankful and honored to have been given a few. I realize that what makes these things so special is the story. Where did it come from? Who owned it previously? Why is it unique? We believe these things are important. And while some of it may be just “stuff”, it’s good stuff. And stuff that makes us feel good. It calls to mind our loved one. It keeps family history and legacies alive! That’s why we created Heirloom Vault – to keep the story going. What stories do you have? Open your vault and see how easy it is to document your stories!